When To Call Electrical Troubleshooting Contractors Vs Power Company

When you have an issue with your power, you most likely need professional help. But sometimes it can be hard to know whether you need to contact electrical troubleshooting contractors or the power company. Here’s the breakdown of what you need to do.

When to call an electrician

When the circuit breaker keeps tripping

When you are experiencing frequent trips, you need to call Cedar Park, TX electricians to diagnose and fix the issue. You might have to replace the entire panel.

To replace outlets

When you want to upgrade your outlets, then you might be better off getting a professional. Not everyone can install such outlets themselves. We can help you with this.

Flickering lights

In case you notice that your lights are flickering or dimming, do not ignore this. It proves that something is faulty. An electrical installation and repair might be necessary. However, if you notice that your neighbours are also having a similar issue, then you might need the help of the power company.

When to call the power company

It’s not often that you might need the assistance of a power company. But here are several instances where it will be fit to call them.

Power blackout

When your power goes completely out, the power company can help you. It might be just at your house or a power blackout in your entire area. Perhaps there was severe weather like a storm or another issue. Let your power company know.

Damaged Cables

When power supply cables to your house or transformer get damaged, contact the power company. They are the only ones who can fix such issues. Also, if you notice that the power line is down, then call the power company.

Unexplainable blackout in your house

If you have a power blackout but can’t figure out the source from your house, it could be an issue with the grid. Contact the power company and they will let you know.